FleetTelemetry needs infrastructure, own server etc.
That can’t be handled from Homey. That’s mainly for the BigPlayer offering their apps on a cloud solution.
And even witb Telemetry you have to deal with API pring that’s not userbased.
FleetTelemetry needs infrastructure, own server etc.
That can’t be handled from Homey. That’s mainly for the BigPlayer offering their apps on a cloud solution.
And even witb Telemetry you have to deal with API pring that’s not userbased.
I have a Ratio charger with RFID and use (of course) the Ratio app. I contacted them last weeks, as I first wanted to use Volttime cloud to control the charger (e.g. for load balancing). That way, I didn’t have to control the charging level via Tesla. But, Ratio replied I can only assign 1 CPO (which I can understand), so I had to choose between Volttime (so I can post commands from Homey to Volttime and Volttime controls the charger) or CPO (to invoice my wife’s employer when she is charging). But I couldn’t find a CPO that can be ‘controlled’ by Homey (not only to manage load balancing from Homey, but also to set charging prices based on dynamic power prices). That’s why I choose to use the CPO for billing (Homey not involved) and Tesla/Homey to manage load balancing and charging on ‘cheapest hours’ (several flows).
Maybe a bit ‘off topic’, sorry for that…
I use EVCC to control my Alfen Eve Single Pro. The Alfen Eve Single Pro can work with a backend (like Road/eFlux for financials) and work with EVCC at the same time. EVCC can by controlled by Homey by using MQTT. May be this can help you, howeverI don’t see your charger in the extensive supported chargers list by EVCC ( Chargers | evcc - Sonne tanken ☀️🚘 ). EVCC is actively supported, you might try to contact them of they could add your charger as well.
@RonnyW you’ve been a hero mate, much appreciate your efforts and nice Tesla app. It has been working flawless for me till it lasted.
Yes, Tesla should get the feedback.
Guess I’m lucky enough to have Tesla as a company car and the freedom to more or less choose the car I want. Two months until the current lease is gone and DID NOT ordered a Tesla.
A smart charger such as Wallbox would be OK to cover most of my needs related to charging anyway.
Cheers Ronny, hope to see more nice apps by you.
Thanks @danone
But the API is not the only reason to have a Tesla .
Something off topic…
Smart charging should not be dependent on the car. Yes, this app helped anyone to use dumb EV chargers in a smart way. But the best way is to integrate wallbox and inverter directly.
E.g. Fronius is self-sufficient. The inverter controls the WB for PV charging without the need for any app.
And if you don’t have a combination in that way, it’s better to invest in a smart wallbox and control that instead of the car.
Tesla is a big company. And there are a lot of big companies (leasing etc) that are controlling their fleet. And that’s the main reason for the FleetAPI. Target is a business company managing their cars. Private users are not the target.
If tesla would offer a API for private users, the pricing would/must be account specific. I think it would be easy to add a payment option for the account. Like premium connectihity, just a second add on for 10€ for every user that wants to use the API.
But with FleetAPI, Tesla transmits the responsibility for financial risk to the app owner. And they also transmit the infrastructure and messaging away from their cloud to the app owner (proxy server, FleetTelemetry server). And in addition you still have to pay a lot.
It reminds of Tuya and their attempt to force Atjom to build up an own cloud hub just to use their API.
The app could work with the current API, but would need a personal Tesla developer account and a user domain/webhosting to provide the key to add the app to the car. That’s how HomeAssistant is doing it. But how many Homey users would have a domain?
Hi Ronny,
Thanks for all the work you do. If I were to arrange my own domain name and web hosting, would it be possible to make it work with the current Homey app, or am I oversimplifying things?
Not with the current app version.
You would need to adapt code and host your own command proxy server (as Docker container on GoogleCloudRun or similar) to forward commands signed with “your” app certificate). Not so easy to do.
The only way to use a personal version is to use direct commands. But that’s something I haven’t got to work completely because of missing documentation. That would be something I have to improve.
Currently I also don’t want to get a wild growth (don’t know if that’s the correct meaning) if anyone is using developer accounts and certificates. That’s also a security risk for Tesla. And that would be a bad prerequisite for @Doekse 's further partnerhip aspirations.
Bummed to read the app is no longer working due to Tesla’s API changes! Does anyone know what the best channel to get in touch with Tesla is? I imagine it may help if the community starts to reach out asking for updates?
(Alright, I don’t think it’ll matter THAT much… but hey, one can hope )
Also, what other ways do you guys know to charge my Tesla based on solar power alone? I had a flow built using Homey to calculate the surplus every 2 minutes, set the charging speed, and let Tesla “start charging”.
Is there a way to automatically let Tesla start charging as soon as power is “offered” by my Easee charger?
You can read the last posts (it’s a lot ).
Abe (@Doekse ) tries to get a partnership with Tesla. Could take a while and we don’t know if/how this could happen
For charging:
If you have a wallbox integration, you can use this.
Start/stop your wallbox, set Ampere in the wallbox. Your Tesla will take what he get from the WB.
Just like me, I also lost my home built load balancer (I’m using the Tesla Mobile Connector at home).
Since Tessie is still working, I built an app for Homey where I can control the car via their API (which is pretty much just a bridge to Tesla API). I will extend the functionality of the app over time.
It’s in test if you’d like to try it out: https://homey.app/sv-se/app/com.adamnoren.tessie/Tessie/test/
If you don’t have a Tessie account, I’d be happy if you would support my work by registering with my referral link: Tessie: The Tesla management platform
I did install Tessie at some point, but there is no free add supported option. Not even a one time fee (yes, life time for about € 200,-) to use it.
Too bad, I don’t want yet another subscription
I’m also curious whether the app provider can keep the announced price.
I mean 6$ for up to 5 cars is really unrealistic. And if “Automations” means sending commands, then you need the Pro version for 10$.
As heavy user with PV charging automation, you will cause high costs that must be passed on to all users. Tessie wil need a lot of users that don’t really use the service to keep the price to support some heavy users (if they don’t use rate limits). We will see if this levels out.
For a personal use of Tesla FleetAPI, a personal FleetAPI subscription is needed imho to charge the “real” usage.
Is there a way to automatically let Tesla start charging as soon as power is “offered” by my Easee charger?
I’m using https://evcc.io for exactly your use case (easee wallbox with my tesla). In the earlier days I had the monthly sponsoring but a few months ago I switched to the one time sponsoring (100$?). I hate monthly fees but 100$ once for the feature set seems to be reasonable for me.
You can even read out the SoC via EVCC from Homey (Webhook or MQTT) if the car is connected…
On Jeedom, they add API fleet datas, so we can create an account on Tesla API developers and use the Jeedom app with these datas.
Maybe is there anything you can use to reactivate your app?
(sorry for my english)
I’m already adding a possibility to use individual app ID.
Currently I try to avoid the need for a personal domain to host the public key.
A short update…
I’m working on a new version to support individual Tesla developer accounts
That means every user has to create such an account and has to create an “app” there to get app credentials (and the 10$ free API access).
The Homey app will handle the certificate and public key.
Your Homey will provide the public key and the plan is that the public key can be accessed via Athom cloud (with the help of Emile - many thanks!), so you don’t need a public domain and webspace.
Stay tuned
Great work! Be sure to shout out if you need testers
New test version 2.0.0
Just follow the instructions on my Blog and in pair view:
The new app version is only tested as a new added car. Please check if an update for an existing device is working. Please report any issue.
To use your already added car, please use the repair function to add your Tesla app credentials.
As a big advantage in comparison to other systems like HomeAssistant you don’t need an own domain/webspace to host your public key that is used for encrypted commands.
The virtual domain at rwdevelopment.de is forwarded through Athom cloud to your Homey.
Many thanks to @Emile for his support
The commands are not forwarded through a CommandProxy server. Now your Homey encrypts and sends the commands directly to the car.
Not all commands are working yet.
I added a list with commands and status to 2nd post
Update (repair) worked fine!
First time I got invalid client id for some reason, but it worked like a charm next time
Can you remember when or where the message was shown?
If you mean the message in device details after the update, then it’s intentional. That’s a hint to repair tje device to add the credentials.