[APP][Pro] Misol and Ecowitt (Release 0.1.53, Test 0.1.53 )

I have published a new test version that has a CO2 meter device that you can use with your WS3910A.

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GREAT!!! Thank you very much, for this update.

And it is possible to extend SoilMoisture from max count 8x devices on max count 16x devices? I have this:

“soilmoisture1”: “21”,
“soilad1”: “149”,
“soilmoisture2”: “18”,
“soilad2”: “131”,
“soilmoisture3”: “17”,
“soilad3”: “133”,
“soilmoisture4”: “39”,
“soilad4”: “218”,
“soilmoisture5”: “16”,
“soilad5”: “130”,
“soilmoisture6”: “17”,
“soilad6”: “134”,
“soilmoisture7”: “41”,
“soilad7”: “228”,
“soilmoisture8”: “20”,
“soilad8”: “146”,
“soilmoisture9”: “0”,
“soilad9”: “47”

Thanks for your GOOD JOB, Adrian

I will check.

will the gw 2001 work also ? thank you very much for all the hard work.

It looks like it will as the web site shows it supports the customised data option.

I just tried to add the Ventus W830 and have setup the customised server to push data to Homey. I see in the Misol and Ecowitt app that the data is detected, but I cannot add a new device.

Just send the log to you, can you help me further?

Strange, as the log shows data has been provided. What device are you trying to add in Homey?

Meanwhile I tried several; Gateway, Wheatherstation WS80, Weerstation and Temp/hum sensor.

But, somehow I succeeded now. Tried to add Weerstation again and now it was found. Didn’t change anything. Maybe I should have waited a little longer?
My first attempts were roughly one hour ago. At that moment data was pushed already. But now one hour further it works!

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Decimals are not displayed on my rain sensor. But I can see it in the Ecowitt app. How do I fix it?

I have just received EcoWitt Laser Distance Meter (LDS01) will you add it to the app

I have just send the log to you from the Homey app…

There are 3 entries regarding the LDS01

“air_ch1”: “1004”,
“thi_ch1”: “0”,
“ldsbatt1”: “3.10”

If you need more info… let me know :slight_smile:

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I see 2 decimals. I presume your region uses a , for the decimal point, so I wonder if that is causing an issue. Could you send me the Detected log from the app settings page.


Hope you can help me.

I have published a new test version that will hopefully fix the number of decimals issue.


It working! Thank you so very much.


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I’m trying to work out what the battery value is. I see the unit take 8 x AA batteries so if they are in series that totals ~12v, so I’m guessing that not what is being measured. Maybe they have 4 sets in parallel of two 2 in series as that would give ~3v and if your batteries are brand new, 3.1v wouldn’t be unreasonable. So can you confirm that in any way?
Basically, Homey reports battery level as a percentage, so I need to work out an approximate conversion. For a single AA, I normally use batP = (batV - 0.9) / (1.7 - 0.9) * 100; which gives a fairly good indication.

Edit: I notice also the image above shows the distance in mm, but the specification shows it is has an accuracy of ±1.2 cm and a resolution of 0.01m, so a mm display is very misleading. Homeys built in distance capability is in m to 2 decimal places, which fits the spec, so I will just stick with that.

I have published a new test version that should support the Laser Distance Sensor.

The new test version also looks for up to 16 soil moisture sensors


Thanks, and it’s working :slight_smile:

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Hello Everyone,

For quite some time now, I haven’t been able to connect my weather station to Homey. Sometime last year, it stopped receiving new data, and I couldn’t fix the issue.

Eventually, I decided to remove my weather station from Homey. The removal went fine, but adding it back has been a struggle. Homey keeps saying, “No new device found.”

I’ve checked all the settings, restarted everything, and made sure everything is updated, but I still can’t get it to work.

Unfortunately, my English is not great, so I used ChatGPT to translate this.

Thanks in advance—I’m stuck at this point.

Best regards,
Mark Stevens

It looks like the IP address you have entered in the first image for Server IP / Hostname is for the weather station gateway. That should be the IP address for Homey.

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How incredibly stupid of me that I didn’t see that earlier

Thank you for your help.

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