[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Do you have any news about that? Today, I also installed one Shelly 2 PM Gen 3, and in Homey, I don’t see a way to change the slat position.

Try the test version of the app.


It looks good, the option to change the slat position has appeared. I will do some testing when I get home.

Thank you :clap:

@Phuturist Unfortunately, changing the slat position does not work. Synchronization with Shelly cloud works fine, but executing command to change slat position does not work.

I dont think this is supported by the Shelly cloud API at this moment.

Can you check this directly with the Shelly team? If it’s not supported yet when will support be added?

I’m surprised they haven’t added support for this in the cloud API yet, as they already have a couple of products that control the slat position is possible.

Quick question, I have a Shelly 2.5 X1. When I want to add it in the Homey I need to push the “S button” on the device. Is there another way to add it without opening up and physically pushing this “S button”?

I had already asked but not response yet. The cloud API doesnt get as much attention as it’s an inferior way to set up a home automation system.

Your device manual describes other ways to enter the device pairing mode.

if you know can you be so kind to inform me then.

Pressing the S button is part of pairing Shelly Wave device. There is no Shelly 2.5 Wave device. If this is a WiFi device you should it pair it using the WiFi driver. If it’s truly a Wave device (of a different) model check out the knowledge base for the manuals: Shelly Wave devices

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I have a shelly pro 3 wifi 3-phase switch. I use it for on/off boiler heating spirals,exh have 2200W. I need to calculate total power together if spiral is ON. I try to to use energy via when is device on. But it is not possible to use it with virtual device.

My question is: Will be possible to add information about energy consumption on main card,where is status,temperature and so on?(value is added by user when is device on)

Thank you

Shelly Pro 3 does not have power measuring, so no.

I know that information. But it is possible to set fix value when is device powered on. And this value can be used in power metering in virtual device.
But it is neccesary have that value on main card where is temperature and other values. It will be possible to add it there?


Shelly TRV BLU: how can I help to integrate it to the app?

You cant really help at the moment. I (and the Home Assistant integrators) talked with Allterco Robotics about changes in the Shelly BLU TRV firmware needed to properly integrate this device. This firmware hasnt been released yet and is still being tested internally (a single BLU TRV connected to a gateway currently already works a bit though).

Any plans of letting us Homey pro users to be able to connect to Shelly cloud devices like the Homey cloud users?
(I.e not directly connected)


Thanks for adding the slat control. Unfortunately, it does not work completely yet.
In Homey, the slat angle can now be controlled via a slider in addition to the position of the blind. The slat value is displayed correctly in Homey after control, within the associated status tile and the slider position. Then after some seconds, that value is changed to 100 % without having set anything.

Furthermore, no flow cards for setting the slat angle are displayed.

It would be great if you could fix these things. Thank you!