[APP] Netatmo - Same home, just smarter. (by Athom)

As far as I can see, I’ve followed @JPe4619 's logic so far. Yes, I’ve added the “round” function that @JPe4619 mentioned in another post here. I get the same results, just without decimals, when using the “round” function.

@RoyWissenburg, did you spot the thing I did wrong? I added the pre-created “Average” variable, multiplied by a number (5), added the CO2-level, and divided by a number (6) that’s higher than the number I multiplied it with.

It will take some time before the value is correct, there have to be more then 6 measurements for this calculation.

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Ah! I see. I didn’t realise that it had to adjust over time. Thank you for being so patient and helping me out. I hope that other people who struggle with this finds this.

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Will the natatmo doorbell also be supported in the future?


I asked about that 2 months ago, offered support during ambassador program I was in… it was considered as good idea and nothing happened since then.

Indeed that would be nice if the doorbell could be added.

We can start submitting request for adding new device - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPKV_joWXvvtACKuOdvDILbAzipk8mer0H4ZfOpJEthg-ibA/viewform?fbzx=-6936295548842344000

…and I just did so (most probably again) :


I really hope they will add it :slight_smile:

Seems Netatmo is working on the API for the doorbell and even it’s not documented yet, some developer already made Habitat implementation including Doorbell…

// Doorbell
if (payload?.push_type?.startsWith('NDB')) {
String doorbellID = payload?.device_id
ChildDeviceWrapper cd_doorbel = cd_devices?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == doorbellID }

if (!cd_doorbel) {
logger("warn", "webhook() - Local Doorbell: ${doorbellID} (${payload?.home_id}) not found")

// Workaround until they fix the API - https://forum.netatmo.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=18880
switch( payload?.message ) {
case ~/.*Incoming call.* .*Appel entrant.*/:
if(logDescText) {
log.info "${app.name} ${cd_doorbel} Call/Ring: Incoming"
} else {
logger("info", "${cd_doorbel} Call/Ring: Incoming")
case ~/.*Someone picked up.* .*Quelqu’un a accepté l’appel.*/:
if(logDescText) {
log.info "${app.name} ${cd_doorbel} Call/Ring: Accepted"
} else {
logger("info", "${cd_doorbel} Call/Ring: Accepted")
logger("warn", "webhook() - event_type: ${payload} - Unhandled by ${cd_doorbel}")

So, a small surprise from Athom! :-))

5.1 - Added Netatmo Doorbell

Anyone was able to add his Netatmo Doorbell? It says no new devices has been found :frowning:

Update Used maintenance on existing camera and - I was able to add Doorbell :slight_smile: So far “When someone rang” flow exist, all I need at this moment.

Which version of homey are you using?
I have 4.20, and I get [incompatible_app_version] when I try to install the beta app.

You need experimental version - v5 - if you are not aware of all the risk, please wait for official update then.
Btw tested in the morning and it’s working - but only 1st Doorbell button press, when “call” is active, no signal is sent… but even the 1st one is more then enough :wink:

Is there a take snapshots card?

No, too early for that, I guess even the Netatmo API is not final yet for Doorbell.

Does anyone knows please if https://dev.netatmo.com/resources/technical/reference/security/setpersonshome is implemented? Seems to be available in Homes API since 2018.
Together with Presence status would be nice combo faster then recognizing person…

i don’t know if this is already asked.
but I have a Netatmo thermostat and when it comes on to switch on the boiler, I want to run an hourglass and that it stops when the boiler goes out. is that possible of something for the next version ?

Beware - recently I discovered that all my Netatmo Weather station, Anenometer, Rain Gauge got updated values 1 month ago - I was wondering why some flows were not working - luckily Repair function simply helps but it’s a pity there isn’t any safety mechanism which would somehow eg. mark device longer time not updating (I know there is trigger A device hasn’t reported, so maybe I will put that instead).

Yup, for the first time since I have Homey with Netatmo (3.5years now) I had the same this week, no reporting although Netatmo was OK. For 10 hours and my bathroom fan was going nuts since humidity was not right.
App restart did not fix, PTP Homey did fix.

I have (another) issue but I am getting answers within a few hours.

Homey finds my Netatmo doorbell, but when i try to open it i’ve got an error (see pic)
I can make a flow, but that also does nothing.
(I know it is a beta, but any clue maybe ? )