[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I have published a new test version that should show the MY Position button for your blinds.

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Hi Adrian, just installed the test version and the MY button is visible. It only gives a 400 error when activating.

Strange, but now all working.

Installed the .98 test version

Hello Adrian,
Did you get my log, any news how to make the connection Homey-Somfy protect working again.
Thanks a lot
Pierre Henri

You sent me the Device Log, but I need to see the Information Log after you have tried to control your alarm.

ok sorry, just done ID: -433924143

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There aren’t many entries in the log. Did you try to operate the alarm before sending?

Yes I launched a flow which should activate the Somfy Protect alarm

Hmm that didn’t show up in the log.
Could you set the alarm via the device tile and then send the log again?

Hello Adrian,

I started again from scratch, I uninstalled the app and restart the Homey.

I re-installed the app “Somfy TaHoma & Connexoon”

App setting I put my login => “Successfully logged in”

But then I am lost, I tried to add one device with the alarm.

Device I added : Somfy TaHoma & Connexoon/Home Security/Tahoma Alarm (honestly I have a doubt if I put this one the last time, but I worked)

I tried to put it armed and send the log ID: -433924143

Thanks a lot for your support.

Pierre Henri

Any thoughts on the 400 error @Adrian_Rockall?

Hello Adrian,
The report code is: 268de6a9-7c58-4015-a27e-bd144727929c

Log id: 926070211

Hope you can find the issue :blush:


Question: Can the Homey-Pro-2023 control the Tahoma within my local network, even if the external internet connection (= WAN = fiber optic = cloud) is not active?

Reason: I want to have no IOT’s to be controlled/read-out by the cloud of the manufacturer. I only want to control/read-out everything local by Homey “local API” for security reasons.

Now my specific question is: after a local-api connection with Homey, does the Tahoma work, even without a WAN? Should the Tahoma always have a cloud connection?

Otherwise, I prefer to buy RTS roller shutters without Tahoma IO.

Kind regards, Luc.

@Lucosmic You can try to search for “local” in this topic because this is the englisch topic.

Need help connecting my Tahoma Beacon to Homey Pro 2023. I keep getting a 401 error when logging into Somfy through the Tahoma Connexoon App.

The local token needs to be refreshed after a period of time (specified when the token is fetched) and that requires an Internet connection.

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Thanks Adrian, then I go for the older-RTS.

TY for the response. I think I did send some logs- I hope it is what you would like to see. I will try Europe and send new logs. I did try the other regions previously.

It’s very strange as I’ve never seen that error before. It looks like Somfy have an issue with their servers certificate. I’m not sure if it’s a mistake or if they have made a conscious decision to drop accounts.somfy.com, but that’s their standard OAUTH2 server.

The only thing I did notice is my Tahoma account doesn’t have an Installation Address set. Could this be an issue? I am unable to set it so I reached out to Support on that. Thanks for looking at my issue and I’ll be back in touch.
